Many people pay too much tax, or miss out on opportunities to reduce their tax. We can work alongside your existing accountant and can introduce you to specialist tax planners and lawyers.

We have helped many people reduce their tax liability without the need for aggressive tax schemes, so if you fall in to one or more of the following categories, it could be worth your time talking to us about tax advice:

  • you have investments
  • you pay higher rate tax
  • you have assets in excess of £325,000
  • your spouse or civil partner is in a different tax band to you
  • you run your own business
  • you have income from or plan to move overseas
  • you are likely to inherit assets.

Do you want to protect your assets from Inheritance Tax?

Check out our helpful animation below:

To discuss this further, please contact Marc Stemmer on 020 8209 9299 or at


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